Vraag je je af hoe je een wachtwoord en vervaldatum instelt op online excel?Hier in dit artikel, zul je er meer over te weten komen.Het aanmaken van een wachtwoord voor Excel is vooral noodzakelijk wanneer u met gegevens werkt of belangrijke rapporten opstelt die moeten worden gedeeld.Laten we eens kijken hoe we het Wachtwoord en de Vervaldatum kunnen instellen bij gebruik van Online Excel.
Note: Below mentioned approach works for the one who is having the Microsoft 365 subscription.
Step 1: Open Online Excel in your browser. To do this, just type Online Excel in your browser window and click on the link obtained from the obtained results.
Step 2: Open the file which you want to share.
Step 3: Click on the Share button which is present at the top right corner
Step 4: There appears a pop window on the screen. Click on Anyone with the link can edit option.
Step 5: Click on Set Expiration Date and here you can set the required date. Click on Apply button.
Once the above steps are completed, your file now has the expiration date. So whenever you share the file with others, it can only be accessed within the specified date.
Step 1: Open Online Excel in your browser. To do this, just type Online Excel in your browser window and click on the link obtained from the obtained results.
Step 2: Open the file which you want to share.
Step 3: Click on the Share button which is at the top right corner.
Step 4: There appears a pop window on the screen. Click on Anyone with the link can edit option.
Step 5: Click on Set Password and type the Password you wish to have. It is always recommended to give a strong password. Click on Apply button to save the changes.
That' s it. isn it simple and easy to set the password expiration date your online excel hope this article is useful you. thanks for reading. happy reading>
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